═══ 1. About Othello ═══ The game of Othello is played on an 8 by 8 board. There are 64 markers which have contrasting colours on their opposite sides (red and blue or black and white for monomchrome displays). Initially the first four markers are placed diagonally in the central four squares. The players place markers on the board in unoccupied squares. Each marker must be placed so that it is adjacent to an enemy marker, either orthogonally or diagonally. In addition, the marker must be placed in line with a friendly marker and separated from it by one or more enemy markers (and no empty spaces). All enemy markers so flanked are reversed so that they become friendly markers. Markers remain fixed during a game, but a marker may be reversed any number of times. If the placing of the marker simultaneously captures two or more chains of enemy markers, the markers in all captured chains are reversed. Pieces may be captured only by the placing of a marker. Enemy markers flanked at both ends as the result of other causes (such as the reversal of some marker) are not captured. If a player cannot make a legal move he loses his turn. He continues to lose his turn until a legal move becomes possible for him. The game ends when all 64 squares are filled, or when neither player can move. The winner is the player with the most markers on the board. Related information: Playing the game Keys help Note Copyright notice ═══ 2. Playing the game ═══ Choose New from the Game menu to start a new game and select the level of play which is either Beginner, Advanced or Master by selecting the corresponding item on the Options menu. The current level of play is indicated by a check mark left to the menu item. To place a marker, move the mouse pointer to an empty square. The mouse pointer changes its shape to a cross to indicate that it would be possible for you to place a marker on the corresponding square. Press the left mouse button to place a marker. You can also use the arrow keys to move around the board. Press Enter, Return or Space to place a marker. If you or the computer has to pass, a message will be displayed. Choose Hint to get a hint on a good move. Choose Computer starts if you want the computer to make the first move. ═══ 3. Note ═══ If a display driver for a monochrome display is installed, the red side of the markers will be displayed white and the blue side of the markers will be displayed black. Othello can also be played on computers that have no pointing device installed or attached by using the arrow keys instead of the mouse. ═══ 4. Copyright notice ═══ Entertainment Pack for OS/2 Othello Version 1.0 All rights reserved. Copyright (C) Peter Wansch, 1994 January 28, 1994 Vienna, Austria ═══ 5. Help for Game ═══ Use the Game menu to start a new game or to get a hint on a good move. ═══ 5.1. Help for New ═══ Choose New to begin a new game. ═══ 5.2. Help for Hint ═══ Choose Hint to get a hint on a good move. ═══ 6. Help for Options ═══ Use the Options menu to change the level of play or to switch the sound on or off. ═══ 6.1. Help for Beginner ═══ Choose Beginner to switch the current level of play to the Beginner level. The higher the level of play, the longer the computer spends calculating its move. ═══ 6.2. Help for Advanced ═══ Choose Advanced to switch the current level of play to the Advanced level. The higher the level of play, the longer the computer spends calculating its move. ═══ 6.3. Help for Master ═══ Choose Master to switch the current level of play to the Master level. The higher the level of play, the longer the computer spends calculating its move. ═══ 6.4. Help for Player starts ═══ Choose Player starts if you want to make the first move. ═══ 6.5. Help for Computer starts ═══ Choose Computer starts if you want the Computer to make the first move. ═══ 6.6. Help for Sound ═══ Choose Sound to switch the sound on or off. ═══ 7. Help for Help ═══ Use the Help menu to obtain help information. ═══ 7.1. Help for Help index ═══ Choose Help index to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 7.2. Help for General help ═══ Choose General help to get general help for the program. General help provides general information about Othello. ═══ 7.3. Help for Keys help ═══ Choose Keys help to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 7.3.1. Keys help ═══ CONTROL KEYS Arrow keys Move you around the board in the direction of the arrow. Enter, Spacebar, Return Places a marker. Ctrl+N Starts a new game. Ctrl+H Gets a hint. HELP KEYS F1 Gets help Esc Views previous Help panel or ends help if only one panel has been viewed. Alt+F4 Ends help or ends program. SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switches to the next program. Ctrl+Esc Switches to the Window List. WINDOW KEYS Underlined letter Moves among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs submenu or executes the function chosen. Alt+Underlined letter Executes the function chosen immediately. ═══ 7.4. Help for Using help ═══ Choose Using help to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 7.5. Help for Product information ═══ Choose Product information to view a dialog that displays information about Othello, such as version number and copyright notice. ═══ 7.5.1. Help for Product information dialog ═══ This dialog displays information about Othello, such as version number and copyright notice. Related information: Help for OK ═══ 7.5.2. Help for OK ═══ The OK button closes the product information dialog.